In today’s competitive job market, a well-crafted resume can make the difference between landing an interview and being overlooked. Your resume is often your first impression on potential employers, and its quality can significantly impact your job search success. See the characteristics of an outstanding resume, and get the insights and tools needed to create a compelling and professional document.

Key Elements of a High-Quality Resume

  • Clear formatting and layout: One of the most crucial aspects of a high-quality resume is its readability and structure. A well-organized resume allows hiring managers to quickly find the information they need, which is essential in a high-volume hiring environment. Use clear headings, bullet points, and adequate white space to avoid overwhelming the reader. Consistent formatting, such as uniform font sizes and styles for headings and text, enhances readability and presents a polished appearance.
  • Contact information and header: Prominently display your contact information at the top of your resume. Include your full name, phone number, email address, location (city, state), and LinkedIn profile if applicable. Ensure that your email address is professional — ideally, a combination of your first and last name. Your header should include a concise and informative title that mirrors the target job title you are applying for to immediately convey your intention.
  • Compelling professional summary or objective: A professional summary or objective at the beginning of your resume provides a brief overview of your qualifications and career highlights or goals. This section should be engaging and tailored to the position you are applying for. Highlight your most relevant skills, experiences, and achievements, and explain how they make you a perfect fit for the role. You can also include a reference to any industry or functional expertise you possess.

The Importance of Tailoring Your Resume

Customization is key to making your resume stand out. Tailoring your resume to each job description can dramatically improve its effectiveness. Carefully read the job listing and incorporate keywords and phrases that match the employer’s requirements. This not only shows that you have taken the time to understand the role but also helps your resume pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) that screen for specific keywords.

Essential Sections of the Best Resume

  • Work experience: When listing your work experience, focus on showcasing achievements and relevance to the job you are applying for. Use bullet points to highlight your top responsibilities and accomplishments, and quantify your achievements whenever possible. For instance, “Increased website traffic by 30% through targeted content marketing strategies” is more impactful than simply stating “Responsible for content marketing.”
  • Education: Present your educational background concisely, including the names of the institutions, degrees obtained, and graduation dates. If you have recent and relevant coursework, honors, or a high GPA, include these details as well. For recent graduates, placing the education section near the top of the resume can be beneficial, while those with more work experience can position it later in the document.
  • Skills: Identify and list skills that align with the job requirements. Separate your skills into categories, such as technical, soft, and industry-specific skills. This helps employers quickly see your qualifications at a glance. For example, under technical skills, you might list “Python, JavaScript, SQL,” while under soft skills, you could include “team collaboration, finding solutions, time management.”

Adding Value With More Sections

Incorporating additional sections can add value to your resume, especially if they are relevant to the job. Consider including certifications, languages, projects, and hobbies. Certifications can demonstrate specialized knowledge or training, while language skills can be a significant asset in global or multicultural companies.

Highlighting relevant projects can showcase your practical experience and ability to find solutions to issues. Hobbies can be included if they are relevant to the job or exemplify desirable qualities, such as leadership, teamwork, or service.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Avoid typical resume mistakes that can hinder your job search. Overcrowding your resume with too much information can make it difficult to read. Instead, aim for brevity and relevance. Using generic phrases like “hardworking” or “team player” without context can make your resume blend in rather than stand out. Always proofread your resume to catch typos and grammatical errors, as these can quickly create a negative impression.

Design and Aesthetic Tips

Striking the right balance between a visually appealing resume and maintaining professionalism is crucial. Choose a clean, professional template with a modern design. Stick to easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, and use font sizes between 10 and 12 points for body text. Use color sparingly to highlight headings or important sections but ensure that the overall design remains understated and professional.

Examples of Outstanding Resumes

Looking at examples of high-quality resumes tailored for different industries can provide valuable insights and inspiration. For instance, a resume for a graphic designer might include a portfolio section with links to their work, while a resume for a project manager might emphasize their experience with specific project management tools and methodologies. Seek out industry-specific examples to understand what works best in your field.

Utilizing Resume Templates for Your Resume Needs

  • Selecting the perfect template: offers various resume templates to suit different professions and styles. Our modern resume templates are designed to help you highlight your most relevant experiences and achievements effectively. With a wide range of professional templates to choose from, you can find the perfect format to showcase your qualifications and career progression.
  • Expert advice and resources: In addition to templates, provides comprehensive guides and tips for resume writing. Utilize these resources to gain expert advice on crafting each section of your resume, from the professional summary to the skills section. This step-by-step guidance can help you create a resume that stands out to employers.
  • Additional resources: To further enhance your resume-writing skills, explore these relevant resources:


Frequently Asked Questions About the Best Resumes

How long should my resume be?

Generally, a resume should be between one and two pages long, depending on years of experience and industry norms.

Should I tailor my resume?

Yes, tailoring your resume is a good idea as much as possible. This includes updating your professional profile and skills lists to reflect your relevant qualifications based on the job description.

What is the biggest resume mistake?

Three of the biggest resume mistakes are not taking the time to create a well-structured, easy-to-read, and error-free resume.

Andrew Stoner

Executive Resume Writer and Career Coach

Andrew Stoner is an executive career coach and resume writer with 17 years of experience as a hiring manager and operations leader at two Fortune 500 Financial Services companies, and as the career services director at two major university business schools.

Written by professional resume writers and loved by hiring managers

ResumeTemplates offers free, HR approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. Choose from several template options and even pre-populate a resume from your profile.