Contact information is often the simplest part of a resume. But it’s also the most important section to get right. If your contact details are inaccurate or hard to find on your resume, they can hinder (if not erase) your chance of hearing back from employers. To avoid any pitfalls with this section, double-check your information and make it as easy as possible for recruiters and hiring managers to reach you.

This guide will show you the best way to organize and format contact information on your resume.

Resume Contact Information Template and Formatting Guide

On nearly any modern resume, the contact information section should include your:

  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • City, state, and zip code

Place these details at the very top of your resume (right above the summary), following this format:

Firstname Lastname
phone number | email address | City, ST zip code


Anthony Gentile
(123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | Minneapolis, MN 54321

Raheem Richardson
(555) 555-5555 | [email protected] | Nashville, TN 12345

Use a large font size (between 17 and 20) for your name. Also, consider making your other contact details slightly larger than your resume’s body text.

Reorder contact details at your discretion, keeping in mind the detail that appears first after your name is generally the most prominent. For instance, if a job posting indicates the employer will contact applicants by email, move your email address first:

Resume Example 2: Freelance Content Writer

Raheem Richardson
[email protected] | (555) 555-5555 | Nashville, TN 12345

Also, notice how in this format the contact details are separated by pipe symbols. You can use different symbols (such as ellipses or bullet points) as long as they’re small and subtle enough to not be distracting.


Anthony Gentile
(123) 456-7890 … [email protected] … Minneapolis, MN 12345

Anthony Gentile
(123) 456-7890 🞙 [email protected] 🞙 Minneapolis, MN 12345

Many resumes follow a two-column template, with contact information at the top of the narrower column. In these cases, you can simply present the same details in list form:

Anthony Gentile
(123) 456-7890
[email protected]
Minneapolis, MN 12345

Some job seekers use word or icon labels for their contact information, like this:

Raheem Richardson
Phone: (555) 555-5555 | Email: [email protected] | Address: Nashville, TN 12345

We discourage this format, however. Since the details are already assumed, labels are unnecessary and can give the section a cluttered appearance. (One possible exception is labeling your cell phone number, as covered below.)

Resume Contact Information Tips

Your contact information is as important as anything else on your resume, so double-check that every detail is current and accurate. Also verify that your contact details are identical across your resume, cover letter, email signature, business or networking cards, LinkedIn profile, and any other application materials. Following are tips for each main part of this section.


Take a simple, straightforward approach by leaving out your middle name and giving just one first name you commonly go by. Otherwise, you may confuse hiring managers on what to call you.


Joseph Bergsen
(123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | San Francisco, CA 12345


Joey Bergsen
(123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | San Francisco, CA 12345


Joseph Eric Bergsen
(123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | San Francisco, CA 12345


J. Eric Bergsen
(123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | San Francisco, CA 12345


Joseph “Joey” Bergsen
(123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | San Francisco, CA 12345

Consider adding your middle initial if your first and last names are common or if you know others in your field who share your name. This extra detail helps distinguish your resume and can make it easier for hiring managers to find you online.


Jessica K. Smith
(123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | San Diego, CA 12345

Phone number

Provide only one phone number. When you list two or more, you’ll just complicate hiring managers’ task of reaching you. Use your cell phone number if possible, and consider labeling it as such:

Anthony Gentile
Cell (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | Minneapolis, MN 12345

This format assures hiring managers that when they call, they’ll reach you directly or can leave a confidential voicemail. (If you haven’t already, personalize your voicemail greeting so callers know they have the right number.)

Omit details on your availability for phone calls. If your current job or travel schedule might delay your response longer than a few business hours, mention that in your cover letter closing.

When applying to job openings internationally, don’t forget to include your country’s calling code.

Email address

Similar to your phone number, include just one email address. Use a personal email, preferably on one of the better-known platforms like Gmail or Outlook. If necessary, create a separate email account for your job search to ensure the one you list on your resume is simple and professional.


It’s no longer customary to include your street address, but do give your city, state, and zip code. Use your state’s two-letter abbreviation.


San Diego, CA 12345

Seattle, WA 09876

Obviously, these details alone won’t help a person get in touch with you. But most recruiters and hiring managers still appreciate knowing where you’re based and can note any time difference when calling you for a remote position.

Also, indicate if you’re planning to relocate in the near term. This extra detail is helpful if you’re applying to in-person jobs in the city or region to which you’re moving.


San Diego, CA 12345 (relocating to Seattle, WA, in April 2025)

Online profiles

If you have a relevant LinkedIn profile, include it as a hyperlink next to your other contact details:

Anthony Gentile
Cell (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | Minneapolis, MN 12345 | LinkedIn

You can also use the full web address, but only after personalizing your URL.

Also, provide links to any work-related websites, portfolios, or social media accounts, following the same format as your LinkedIn profile:

Anthony Gentile
Cell (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | Minneapolis, MN 12345 | LinkedIn | Portfolio

Remember to give full web addresses any time you must print and submit a hardcopy resume by mail or in person, such as at a job fair. If you find your contact details take up more than one line of text, divide them into two lines to maintain a polished format:

Anthony Gentile
Cell (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | Minneapolis, MN 12345 |

Frequently Asked Questions About Resume Contact Information

Should I include my picture?

No, unless your appearance matters to your vocation (such as in acting or modeling). A resume picture is unnecessary for most U.S. job seekers and can expose you to the recipient’s biases or preconceptions. Focus the document on your work strengths and potential, and you’ll have the best chance of being judged fairly and favorably.

Is it necessary to include my full address on my resume?

No, unless the job posting requires it. Recruiters and hiring managers no longer contact applicants by mail, so they don’t need to know your mailing address on your resume.

Should I include social media profiles on my resume?

Yes, if they focus exclusively on your work. You might also include personal profiles when applying for a job requiring general proficiency or social media engagement. Just ensure that none of your posts or content is seen as unprofessional.

Can I place my contact details at the bottom of the page instead?

Yes, but we don’t recommend it. Your contact information is essential to your resume, so it should appear at the top. Remember, the point of this section is to make it easy to reach you, so format your contact details to stand out from the rest of the document.

Andrew Stoner

Executive Resume Writer and Career Coach

Andrew Stoner is an executive career coach and resume writer with 17 years of experience as a hiring manager and operations leader at two Fortune 500 Financial Services companies, and as the career services director at two major university business schools.

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